White Moustache

Monday, 2 April 2012


OK kelas! hari ni kite kan belajar ttg 'STYLE' gitu gitu'<----ayt xbleh blaa.haha actually when i think of style ,i would think of  FITNESS CONCEPT advertisment.allaaa yg die ckp what yourstyle uh.
MY STYLE(clothes@fashion)
ciri-ciri yg mesti ade kalau saya nk berpakaian is:-
1.mesti menutup aurat sbgai muslim
2.yg ni merangkup kpd my fave fashion style lah
3.yakni,saya suke pakai
  *T-shirts (they r awesooome!)
 *Cardigan 0r cool jacket like yuna's( 1 prefer the long drappy cardigan)
 *LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG necklace ( i really like the owl design)
 *skinny jeans(they ROCKS!)
 *blouse yg ade corak mcm bunga bungiii (sw-eet)
 *checked shirts( i have a LOAD#try and buy at mark and spencer their design is cool)
 *and ofc yg WAJIB shawl.tapi  kalu shaawl  i like yg simple and tak banyak  corak.KALAU ADE YG RAINBOW LAGILA PENGSAN!!!(dlm erti kata lain suke sgt shawl rainbow)
                              #tuje kowt ade.agak agak nye melalui bende alah kat atas nih korg dpt tahu tak my personality#
p/s: BE JELLY :) <3